What a difference a week makes! Today I finally hit my stride with my new program and felt like I could almost finish it. It totally kicks my butt every time I do it, but tomorrow I promised myself that I would do it full out, with music at least 5 times before my lesson.
Skating is such a mind game. I have been told to visualize myself skating my program the way I would like it to be, but for some reason my body just can't seem to see the same picture. I have been told to skate each element separately, one by one, only concentrating on each one and not thinking ahead to the next, but I can only think of the dreaded salchow loop combo coming up. I get so nervous on the ice for competition or tests that I literally shake as I spin. LAME!
However, I keep going. I am hoping that this first competition is not a total goof-ball fest with me as the main attraction. That is why I have to keep doing that program over and over again. Body memory - maybe if my body can memorize the program, my mind can shut up!